Indeed, He is not dead! He is alive! He walks with us everyday, and holds us up when we think we can no longer go on. Above all, He loves us regardless! To you and yours, may you have an immeasurably blessed Easter!
We've had quite a weekend thus far. Yesterday we dove into some boxes in the garage. Mostly toys that we had not unpacked. A lot of games appeared, as well as things we use for our home school room. It's amazing what we forget we have after these things have been boxed up for four months. We've dropped off four boxes at Goodwill. There are two more waiting in the garage. Although our home is now bigger, I hold more tightly to the need for order and organization. I find it keeps us all a little more sane.
Today we got up to a rather chilly day. While just a couple days ago it was balmy, today it was downright cold. Perfect matinee day! We took the children to see Monsters vs. Aliens. My favorite was Bob. So cute. We caught the 3D version. Belle has only been to the theater twice, both times involved 3D. I wonder if she thinks all movies in theaters are like that. Afterwards, we went to Target to catch a great deal on a scooter for Cristian's birthday next month. It will be here before we know it.
Tonight, the children (and Daddy) are in bed listening to "Tales of Despereaux" on audio book. The cat is chasing something around the house. For a cat over ten, she's still quite fiesty. As soon as I'm done here, I'll pack together Easter baskets. C found still more Easter goodies, and I struggled for more cover ups for Easter Bunny. Just now he came in asking me to leave a note for Mr. Bunny about the Ranch Dressing being in the fridge if he wants some with the carrots we leave out for him. Sweet. Sweet.
1 comment:
Happy Easter Tina! I'm so glad we've crossed paths through the online world...I am always so happy and feel blessed when I meet another sister in Christ:)
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