
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

tuesday miscellany...

~I'm in the midst of cleaning every inch of my house, purging, and reorganizing. I get great joy from this. I'm doing this because it looks like we'll be here for another year. Ron's going to Kuwait after his tour in Korea.

~I'm thinking of repainting, too. Details and a poll to come.

~The dog figured a way through the lock on the fridge door. If I didn't love him so much he'd be in the garage when we leave the house. Instead, I move a large object in front of the fridge everytime I leave.

~My new favorite show is The Fabulous Beekman Boys on Planet Green. If you are squeamish about an openly gay couple & their relationship, don't watch. I'm not at all. I think I secretly want to move to a farm and be fully self sufficient. Ron would be okay as long as he had his Xbox.

~We start school again after having off since mid-May. That's enough of a vacation isn't it?

~My friend Cari recently had a sweet baby girl, Violet, at 31 weeks. Violet weighed 3 pounds, 13 ounces. Sweet Violet is already off oxygen & doing incredibly well. Praise God!!!

Just thought I'd give you a synopsis of what's going on over here. Too, this is kind of a way for me to chronicle my life, so it's kind of nice to see where I was when I was. Hope you're having a lovely, cool Tuesday.

1 comment:

Auntie Cake said...

Hi Tina,
My computer is FINALLY fixed! (Only took two months...) It was a nice two months without me having to tell my youngest son "to get off the computer" every five minutes!

Kuwait, huh??? Okay, don't even know your hubby, haven't met you in person, but I am so sad for you. I was hoping he would get to come home for a long while. I am glad you have the internet and I am sure you are Skyping maniacs, but wishing you could get a real hug those times when you need it most. I will give my husband an extra kiss, just because I can.

Hope you guys are enjoying your summer, we are having a blast here. It's been a long, easygoing summer, just what we needed!