
Saturday, August 4, 2007

Here are some recent pictures of our garden. The first picture is quite funny because while the Russian Sage is glorious, there are Quelites (as we New Mexicans like to call it) and my nemesis the Bindweed in the background. LOL. You take the good, you take the bad... Next is my first honeysuckles of the season. Ron laughs at my "rustic" trellis. I'm particularly proud of the blurry green grape tomatoes LOL. I planted these from seeds of organic grape tomatoes I got from Wild Oats! The plant is absolutely full of flowers! My kids can't wait. In the background are beans, also planted from seed (an accomplishment for me) LOL, and some spring onions I rescued from the compost bin. My husband thought they were done~ gasp! the horror! Next is Portulaca in all it's glory. In the really intense heat, this is the one low maintenance plant I've found that has thrived whether in the desert of El Paso, or the semi arrid Rockies. Finally, a window box w. rescued marigold (at Lowe's for 25 cents!), a very happy petunia, and my stanby portulaca.

Today I spent a good part of the day pulling Bindweed, which I'm finding to be strangely therapeutic. :) There's another weed terrorizing the lawn, which I suspect to be chickweed, but I'm not sure. The flowers in my containers are thriving, if I will just leave them alone! My vegetable garden, although humble, is doing quite well. My mom might be proud. LOL. We've had two great days of rain, a blessing to our water bill. Dexter tried to dig into the lawn (where I've pulled Bindweed up nonetheless) to hide yet another granola bar. Atleast he's not in my containers. LOL.

I found this website and thought I'd post it in the event anyone's interested

My dearest friend Megan has had her blog posted on Veggie Web! Yay! It is quite a momentous accomplishment to create the beauty she has painted and toiled through in her backyard. Check it out in my favorite links.

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