
Wednesday, July 9, 2008


There are countless joys and benefits to gardening. I'm sure I've touched on this before. Yet, sometimes, there are those times you just want to run away thinking, "Do I really have to do this?" Yesterday was one of those days. My container gardens under the deck were not looking so chipper. I decided I should aerate the soil a little and rearrange some of the plants. So, as I'm digging my fingers through the dirt, I find them, many of them- grub worms. Really, I'm not someone who is squeamish. I can deal with quite a lot of different things without getting all icked out, but grub worms are one of the things that turn my stomach. Really, there were A BUNCH of them. They ranged in size from fat, huge, about 1.5" to itty bitty ones. Yes, this was probably the cause of my sad looking container plants. C and B came right over as soon as I started popping them out of the pot, probably wondering what all the dry heaving was about. Good thing we're doing a unit on invertebrates. Here they are. Forget about an Usborne book. Anyhow, I explained to C that they must be eradicated. I usually let beneficial insects go on with their crawly lives, but these were not beneficial, and they were not getting that grace. (Of course when a Daddy Longlegs passed by, I quickly turned it into a "We do not need to kill ALL bugs" lesson.) So, I began to squish the grub worms, which just fully delighted C & B. They wanted their hand at bursting the little critters, too, a job I was overjoyed to pass on. C being the detailed oriented guy he is, was sure to get every last one of them. B was just there for the thrill of it all. So, hopefully now that they've been squashed out of my garden, my plants will be all the happier for it, and C and B apparently, too. And, no folks, I will not let them out to squash your grubs, too. ;)


Anonymous said...

Dude, I have become a serial killer. I hunt, catch and happily stomp on squash bugs. I had begun to worry seriously about my sanity but then I read your blog. I'm feeling vindicated.

Unknown said...

See, and I didn't say anything about your squash bugs thinking it would make me immune to creepy crawly attacks. :P Not so, grasshoppa.

Unknown said...

Get some chickens. They LOVE grub worms!

Anonymous said...

EWWWWW! LOL I do completely understand the need to squash them, but OMG my stomach is turning just thinking of it!