
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Perspective
Sunday / November 04, 2007

Imagine going to a job each morning where you can set your own schedule. You arrive when you want, take breaks whenever you want, and leave for an extended lunch hour without anyone breathing down your neck. Answering your phone calls and emails is regulated to a minimum each day, and the work responsibilities and goals you have are varied. There is no dress code or security passes to wear around your neck, and no one cares if you eat at your desk or play your favorite radio station. Your boss is off site, and you can manage your work load however best suits your needs. Your work is rewarding and exciting, and you usually see immediate results from your efforts. Wouldn't we all to have a job that fits this description? YOU DO, homeschooling parent!

Many homeschooling parents get caught up in the fact that they never receive a paycheck like their working counterparts. However, if you look at the God-given task of teaching your children at home from a new perspective, you begin to see what a the career choice of homeschooling is for you. So many drawbacks of the "typical" job do not relate to your world. You have the freedom to pursue your position in ways many working parents never do.

Too many times in my years as a homeschooling mother, I failed to see the bigger picture of what God was doing in my life and in the lives of my children. I needed to have my eyes opened like Elisha's servant who saw the whole army of heaven around him (2 Kings 6:17). From God's perspective, what you are doing as a homeschooling parent has long-lasting and eternal value.

So, go to work tomorrow morning, and picture yourself at the best job you could ever have. The grass is greener on this side of the fence, and your regular paycheck of "hugs and " from your family is more rewarding than what a company can pay you. the freedom that you have as a homeschooling parent and be the successful teacher God intended you to be! "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24)

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