
Saturday, January 23, 2010

getting back to the nitty gritty...aka quinata academy week in review

Actually it's not excruciating like it sounds. The past couple weeks we've been getting back to homeschooling. I forgot how much I really love teaching my kids. It's so rewarding when they recount something I've taught them.

We have been doing History Odyssey by Pandia Press with C. Bella sometimes sits in and adds her 25¢. I absolutely love this program. It has all kinds of activities to choose from, not to mention different styles of history books. So one day you could be reading from Story of the World, another day Child's History of the World, and another the Usborne Encyclopedia. It keeps it peppy :) LOL. We're up to Mesopotamia now. Many hs'ers have probably already covered Ancient History, but we've been taking the history slow. I'm glad I did. C is so much more interested in it than I think he would have been a couple years ago. He's super interested in drawing, so that makes for fab illustrations when he reviews what he's learned in the past week. Having done My Father's World Countries and Cultures last year really helped, too, as he can understand where we are geographically in our studies. I knew there was a method to my madness. LOL.

We've also been working with R.E.A.L. Earth Science by Pandia Press. It's a lot of experiments, which keeps my little Einstein very happy. We finally got the chance to use the rain gauge. That's big stuff living in NM. ;)

We continue to use MathUSee and All About Spelling, both programs we fully love.

Over the past couple months we've had the chance to take advantage of University of New Mexico's (my alma mater :D) Popejoy Schooltime Series. We saw a Christmas performance Mariachi style, and next week we'll be seeing a jazz performance.

We've also been staying busy with Roots & Shoots. Last week we scooped dog food for The Storehouse. With other families we worked through probably 15 large bags of Beneful on a Wednesday. We were told it would be gone by that weekend! WOW! Weather permitting we hope to plant trees in the Bosque next weekend. We might even have the chance to see Jane Goodall in Santa Fe this semester!

Next week C starts his first Junior Lego League. Wahoo! Ever since this past summer when he took a Lego Robotics class he's been itching to get back to it. When we first got here there wasn't a JUNIOR league and in the past couple months one has been formed. We have to truck it over the mountain a couple times a month, but it's so worth it.

That's kind of what's been going on in a nutshell. If you've read this far, God bless you, LOL. Journalling here really helps me put on "hard copy" what has been swimming in my head. It also helps to keep Ron abreast of what we're doing. We're hoping to get web cams up so he can help with school, too. :) We're about four months into our year right now. Praise God for technology, it definitely helps. If you would like any info on the stuff we're doing click on the "Quinata Academy" link under the header. There are links to the publishers & programs. Thanks for reading.


Brandi said...

Sounds great! We had a rough go getting back into the swing of things after the holiday break. I'll have to check out the Pandia... I'm going to be need a new history book for the 2nd half of school (which means, yeah, I should have ordered it already). I've been using McGraw-Hill and I like them, but I'm always interested to see what's out there. ;) Happy homeschooling!

Jennifer said...

We've been using the Pandia Press Life Science this year and love it. The only problem we've had is that we need live animals for some of the experiments and it's too cold to get them here. Wish I would have thought that one out a little bit better. :)

j said...

I read it all! I know how you feel though - I always expect people to skim when I write.

Legos, oh Legos. How we LOVE Legos around here. I had no idea that there was a Junior Lego League!